Welcome to


home of the Card Modeling FAQ and sundry other information of interest to paper modelers.

The Card Modeling FAQ is devoted to the subject of scale modeling in paper and cardstock, all subjects. It is intended to be a comprehensive resource on the history, purchasing, collecting, designing, building, and display of paper models, as well as an exhaustive collection of links to other Internet resources on the subject. A modest goal...

It is the centerpiece of this site and most visitors want to go straight there, so if you don't choose some other link soon, you'll get sent there automatically.

If you're not familiar with paper models, you probably want to start by looking at pictures. A good place to begin is the section WWW pages of card modelers, where you can see pages of modelers who display their work on the web.

If you get tired of visiting this server to look up something in the FAQ, try this link and download a compressed copy of the whole thing. You must have an unpacking utility which can handle tar/gzip format (Unix systems have tar & and gzip, of course; Windows users can use Winzip; I think that the latest version of Stuffit for the Mac will work as well.) The file which downloads is big and will unpack into some convenient local directory on your hard drive, and then browse the local copy at your convenience. It should work almost exactly like the real thing. Check back here periodically for updates.

Mail cardfaq@bellsouth.net | Steve Brown |