This is a translation of the German language building instructions for the Wilhelmshaven card model kit for the Oceanic/Arctic salvage tug. I get all my German from the dictionary, so any mistakes are probably mine. Comments in italics are mine, added as I built the kit. As of this writing, I was on sketch 9, so I may have more comments to add later.

Steve Brown

Building instructions `Oceanic'/`Arctic'

This can be built as the 'Arctic' or as the 'Oceanic'. The instructions are provided as exploded figures. The following additional comments should be noted:

In parts 10, 11, 13, there are 2 slits to cut out. In part 15, 32 slits; in part 20, 2 slits; in part 21, 22 slits; in part 27, 4 slits; in part 29, 4 slits; in part 35, 12 slits. All blue shaded areas are to be cut out. The single bulkheads (doors) of parts 10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 27, 30 , 31, 39c, 43b, 52, 53 are doubled with scrap card and glued to the part.

To sketch no. 2

Printed sides of transverse bulkheads should be aft.

To sketch no. 3

Attention! Install part 20 before parts 18, 18a, 19, and 19a. The following order works well: deck 15, 20, 17a & b, 17, 18a & 19a, 18 & 19, 16 (assembled, except for 16b), 16b, deck 21. Part 28 must be fastened on part 21 before it's glued, because otherwise the slits will be covered by the tabs of 18 and 19.

To sketch no. 5

Before installation the anchor pocket 49 must be fastened behind the ship's sides 23 and 24. Warning: the anchor pockets 49 will get in the way of the bulkhead 14 when the sides are installed. Check fit on this. Begin installing 23 & 24 at the break behind the forecastle. The black strips (rubbing strakes) under part 24 are doubled and one short and one long strip is glued on ship's sides 23 and 24. The doubled white triangles are railing supports glued on the inside against the railing of part 15 as well as subsequently 44b against 44a. See also sketches 13-16. Part 26d (2x), e and f (2x) are built onto to 26. Attention! The walls 30 and 31 are glued to deck 29 before installation. The 6 fire extinguisher connection supports by part 27 can optionally be cut out before installation of the bridge wall and through the 6 individual parts added. Attention, the parts should be installed towards the inside. (See also sketches 12-15.)

To sketch no. 7

Fasten part 36 on part 35 before installation and likewise the part 43-43b.

To sketch no. 9

Ventilator 38l and m (2x) are doubled with scrap card.

To sketch no. 16

For part 69b [should be 68b?] the [tow rail?] there are no markings on deck 15 and for part 68a there are no markings on deck 16. The sketch, however, marks the position very clearly.

To sketch no. 17

Should the tabs on 75a/76a prove too long, the overlap can be cut off. Parts 80 and 57k (ship's lantern) should be placed "yellow". The 4 doubled railing support without numbers should be remembered for deck 21 in front of the overhang deck 22.

Antennae: One in port-bridge-yardarm = 1.8 cm
One on fore smokestack edge = 3 cm
One on after spotlight platform = 4.2 cm
Two on fore and after mast top = 1 cm

Rigging the derrick boom and salvage boom see the title box. | Steve Brown |