Kell Black and Jon Murray
Models at Pete Heesch's display: owl from LS,
truck from Alcan, glider from I'm not sure who. The SS John W. Brown
shown subsequently joined my own collection of liberty ship models,
bringing it to four.
Chip Fyn
Peter Ansoff's models: Papermagic's Korean Turtle ship,
Zorn Spirit of St. Louis, Wilhelmshaven Spirit of St. Louis, Spacecraft
International Hubble Space Telescope, a tiny Borkum from Wilhelmshaven,
Dover Knight in Armour, and just a hint of the Kellogg's SS Normandie.
Chip Fyn demonstrates modeling on the computer.
Lou Dausse and Peter Visser
Peter Heesch
Chip Fyn's aircraft carrier
Myles Mandell contemplates some of Kell Black's
models (perhaps pondering the choice of a payphone as a subject for
a model. Does it take paper money?)
Dave Caldwell's air force All but one are
Fiddler's Green models---can you spot the exception?
This spider collects Fiddlers Green airplanes In
the lower right corner is one of Kell Black's dioramas, beautiful to
look at, challenging to photograph.
Digital Navy's USS Arizona---photographs
cannot do justice to this model. In the background, two Macchi C. 202
Folgores [sic] and the stern section of IJN Takao.
Iceberg display (Peter Visser) Shown are
several buildings from the Netherlands, postcard models, a bracelet,
and Ronald McDonald houses. Lurking just at the right edge is a lamp and
part of a chess set. Cut off, unfortunately, is a very clever calender.
Rob Needham's exhibit Modelik USS Arizona and
USS Ohio.
Bill Eville's exhibit
Fans begin to seat themselves for the banquet.
I needed a much brighter flash to get a really
good picture of the banquet.
Joe Bloom tries to decide what to buy at the
Kell Black tries a second career as an
auctioneer. (Watch out he doesn't try that old "I'm sure he has
some prepared remarks" on you!)
Pete Heesch claimed to be a novice at
building models, but he took the blue ribbon in the flying competition
with his amazing accuracy and an innovative landing technique.
Behind Pete, Bob Freidus compares notes with Myles Mandell.
Bob once said, "I don't build these, I just collect them," also
proved to be an enthusiastic competitor.
Bill Eville packing up after two long days.
Many thanks to Rob Gartner, KB8OBQ, who generously loaned me his digital
camera for the weekend so that I could have pictures on the web only about
5 hours after the convention closed.
| Steve Brown